强奸侵犯防御系统,简称R.A.D., is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women. R.A.D. 系统是一个综合性的, 女性专用课程, 这要从意识开始, 预防, 减少和避免风险, while progressing on to the basics of hands on self defense training RAD培训


The 新博网页 Police Department offers several services for the campus community. 这些只是其中的几个:

晚上不要独自行走! 新博网址是多少警察 offers vehicle escorts to and from all points on campus. Just pick up a blue emergency p磨练 or call the 新博网址是多少警察 at (941) 487-4210 and an officer will respond to you as soon as possible.

新博网址是多少警察 has a prescription drug disposal container available for the community 24/7/365.  请不要使用利器或液体.  我们也提供袋装的 Deterra free of charge which can be used at home to neutralize drugs by using water.  The next DEA sponsored Prescription Drug Take-Back date is to be determined.  额外的 DEA收回毒品 信息.

新博网址是多少警察携带NARCAN®鼻腔喷雾剂, the first nasal formulation of naloxone to be FDA approved for the treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. Designed for use in the community, NARCAN® Nasal Spray is needle-free and ready to use.

Due to a recent spike in the number of crimes attributed to transactions made on services such as Craig’s List, the 新博网址是多少警察 Department is offering the lobby of the police building for those wishing to make online transactions.  The 新博网址是多少警察 Department is located at 501 College Drive, 萨拉索塔, Florida 34243.

Some of those involved in these types of transactions are becoming the victim of armed robbery or assault.  The lobby and exterior of the police building are videotaped all of the time.  If someone does not agree to go to a police station to complete a transaction, we recommend that you do not go through with the transaction or exchange, 因为这绝对应该是一个警告信号.

新博网址是多少警察 cannot assist or warranty the actual transaction or exchange.  此操作允许有安全空间来完成事务.  If you have any questions, please contact 新博网址是多少警察 at 941-487-4210.


▪在公共场所会面,包括警察局. 而一些警察部门, 包括新博网址是多少警察, 萨拉索塔警察局, and the Manatee Sheriff’s Office advertise that they are safe exchange zones, 大多数部门对这类交易都是开放的.  向当地警察局查询更多信息.

▪ Always tell a friend or family member where you are going (an address) and who you are meeting.

▪ Take your charged cell p磨练 with you, so you can call for help if needed.



新博网址是多少警察配备了电池充电器. 如果你发现自己在新博网址是多少里,需要一个跳跃的开始, pick up the nearest Emergency Blue P磨练 or call 941-487-4210 and give the dispatcher your name, 车辆的描述, 和位置. 只要有警官有空,他们会很乐意帮助你的. You will be asked to sign a waiver of liability before any action is taken. Without this waiver, a jump start of your vehicle can not be attempted by 新博网址是多少警察.

新博网址是多少警察配备了车辆开锁工具. 如果你发现自己在新博网址是多少里需要这项服务, pick up the nearest Emergency Blue P磨练 or call 941-487-4210 and give the dispatcher your name, 车辆的描述, 和位置. 只要有警官有空,他们会很乐意帮助你的. You will be asked to sign a waiver of liability before any action is taken. Without this waiver, unlocking of your vehicle can not be attempted by 新博网址是多少警察.

注意: Power locks and windows make it extremely difficult to unlock a vehicle with the kit. 门板里面有很多电线, and thus a greater risk that expensive damage will be done during the unlocking process. 新博网址是多少警察强烈建议寻找其他解决方案, 比如打电话给路边救援或找回备用钥匙, 如果可能的话.

新博网址是多少警察提供公证服务.  这项服务只在预约的情况下免费提供.  我们有公证人在不同的时间为社区服务.

Fingerprinting services are offered to NCF and USF students, 工作人员, 教师, and alumni. 你必须带驾照, 护照, 或现任政府颁发的带照片的身份证件, 还有你自己的指纹卡.  这项服务只在预约的情况下免费提供.

新博网址是多少警察收容所里有新博网址是多少内广泛的失物招领处.  As soon as you realize you are missing something, give us a call or stop by.  出于健康考虑,衣服应立即处理掉.

新博网址是多少警察提供笔记本电脑注册服务. By registering your laptop and affixing a 新博网页 decal, the owner of the laptop is authorizing any officer of the NCFPD to stop anyone possessing the laptop to confirm ownership or permission to possess should the officer suspect that the person with the laptop is not the owner.

This is a completely voluntary program and participation is not required in order to register your laptop with NCFPD. 下载报名表格.

NCFPD提供自行车防盗计划(B).A.T.). 通过注册你的自行车,并贴上新的佛罗里达大学B.A.T. 贴在自行车上, the owner of the bike is authorizing any officer of the NCFPD to stop anyone operating the bike to confirm ownership or permission to possess should the officer suspect that the operator is not the owner.

This is a completely voluntary program and participation is not required in order to register your bike with NCFPD. 下载报名表格.

The New College Student Alliance has partnered with 新博网址是多少警察 to offer free loaner bike locks to currently enrolled New College 学生.  NCSA provides the funding and 新博网址是多少警察 will handle the logistics of distributing the locks from the 新博网址是多少警察 Office.

Eligible 学生 must have a valid New College ID Card and be currently enrolled. 锁是全天候可用的. 可用的锁数量有限.  The locks must be returned to 新博网址是多少警察 by the end of the semester.

了解更多信息, contact 新博网址是多少警察 at 941-487-4210 or NCSA Business Manager Dawn Shongood at (941) 487-4265 or (电子邮件保护).

Keys to various campus facilities are available for sign-out at 新博网址是多少警察. 其中一些钥匙对任何学生都是可用的, 教师, 或工作人员持有效的新博网页身份证. Others are restricted to a sign-out list, determined by the administrator of that particular key.

所有签出钥匙的人必须留下有效的新博网页学生, 工作人员, 或教职员身份证, 归还钥匙时,哪些物品会归还给失主. 没有驾照会被接受-没有例外! Upon signing for the key, you are taking full responsibility for the corresponding facility. 任何钥匙都不得在夜间借走或带离新博网址是多少.

Protect your valuables: engraving them with your driver’s license number! 这有什么用呢?? Should something of value to you (bicycle, television, stereo equipment, computer, etc.)曾经被偷过, there is a much higher likelihood you will get your belongings back if they are recovered. 新博网址是多少警察局免费提供刻字设备. 你可以自己动手,也可以让警察协助你.  We are not responsible for damaged items due to engraving and may choose not to do the engraving ourselves.